Introduction to Insight Meditation & Mindfulness Program
A 6-week online course offered in collaboration with
NAU Employee Assistance and Wellness.
Every Thursday evening from September 19 – October 24, 2024
6:00pm to 7:45pm (AZ time)
Guided by Dr. Allen Atkins, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Finance, and
Dr. Cathy Small, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
Please join us for this 6-week course offered in collaboration with Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community. Insight Meditation is part of an ancient tradition originating in India 2,600 years ago. The practice involves both concentration and contemplative methods of meditation.
Learn to reduce stress and anxiety by focusing on the present moment, while opening a doorway to greater peace and freedom at a deeper level. It is important participants attend all 6 classes, as each class builds on previous instruction and practice.
Please sign on 10 minutes early to get settled and wear loose, comfortable clothing. There is no fee for this class and it is open to all NAU faculty, students, and staff, the Flagstaff community, and members of the Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community.
Register by Tuesday, September 17, 2024 Registrations received after Sept 17th will be considered on a case by case basis.
Cathy Small is an author and retired professor of anthropology. who has been practicing vipassana meditation for more than twenty years. She has completed numerous extended meditation retreats focusing on awareness, loving kindness and concentration, and has taught meditation since 2010. She currently co-teaches a six-week course in mindfulness every semester for faculty and staff at Northern Arizona University, and offers a mindfulness course for inmates at the Coconino County jail. She is a regular teacher at the Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community
Allen Atkins moved to Flagstaff in 1998 to work at Northern Arizona University (NAU) as a professor of Finance. He has been interested in meditation since first learning Transcendental Meditation (TM) in college. After college, in 1978, he was introduced to Vipassana and it has been his main practice ever since. He sits a retreat of at least a week or so almost every year. He sat the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) three month retreat three times and in 2000-2001 took a leave of absence from work to spend the year practicing at IMS and in Burma, Thailand and India. Allen taught yoga and meditation in Texas from 1979-1983. He has been teaching a six-week beginning Vipassana course each semester at NAU since 1999. The course is currently being taught with Cathy Small. His other main hobbies include music, singing and cycling.
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